Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Predicaments of Post-Colonialism

No Longer At Ease Extract In fact, some weeks ago when the trial first began, Mr. | | Green, his boss, who was one of the Crown witnesses, had also said| | something about a young man of great promise. And Obi had| | remained completely unmoved. Mercifully he had recently lost his| | mother, and Clara had gone out of his life. The two events| 5| events following closely on each other had dulled his sensibility and left| | him a different man, able to look words like ‘education and| | ‘promise squarely in the face.But now when the supreme moment| | came he was betrayed by treacherous tears. | | Mr. Green had been playing tennis since five o’clock. It was most| 10| unusual. As a rule his work took up so much of his time that he| | rarely played. His normal exercise was a short walk in the| | evenings. But today he had played with a friend who worked for| | the British council. After the game they retried to the club bar| | Mr. Green had a light yellow sweater over hi s white shirt, and a| 15| white towel hung from his neck. There were many other| |Europeans in the bar, some half-sitting on the high stools and| | some standing in groups of twos and threes drinking cold beer,| | orange squash or gin-and-tonic. | | ‘I cannot understand why he did it’, said the British council| 20| man thoughtfully. He was drawing lines of water with his finger on| | the back of his mist-covered glass of ice-cold beer. | | ‘I can,’ said Mr. Green simply. ‘What I can’t understand is| | is why people like you refuse to face facts. ’ Mr. Green was famous for| | speaking his mind. He wiped his red face with the white towel on| 25| his neck. The African is corrupt through and through. ’ The| | British council man looked about his furtively, more from| | instinct than necessity, for although the club was now open to| | them technically, few Africans went to it. On this particular| | occasion there were none, except of c ourse the stewards who served| 30| unobtrusively. It was quite possible to go in, drink, sign a cheque,| | talk to friends and leave again without noticing these stewards in| | their white uniforms. If everything went right you did not see| | them. | | ‘They are all corrupt,’ repeated Mr. Green. ‘I’m all for| 35| equality and all that.I for once would hate to live in South Africa. | | But equality won’t alter facts. ’| | ‘What facts? ’ asked the British Council man, who was| | relatively new to the country. There was a lull in the general con-| | versation as many people were now listening to Mr. Green without appearing to do so. | 40| The predicaments of post-colonialism. An analytical study of Chinua Achebe’s No Longer At Ease No Longer At Ease is an African, post-colonial novel published in 1960. It is the story of an Ibo man, Obi, who is privileged enough to leave his village for a British education and a job in the civ il service.However, Obi struggles to find bearing in the chasm between a dying colonialism and stillborn independence. With the country on the threshold of independence, the novel speaks strongly of themes such as education, tradition, progression and corruption. The chosen extract is found in the opening chapter of the novel, and details the trial in which Obi is charged for corruption. It is henceforth the intent of this essay to examine how the aforementioned themes are established through the symbolism of key characters, character foils and the frame story technique adopted.This topic was selected as the novel is set in the time period in which it was written, thus it is poignant to examine the perils of cultural assimilation and modernization within the novel as a microcosm of the struggles faced by postcolonial societies. The extract hence provides a good platform to discuss multiple areas and themes of the novel relevant to the question at hand. The interplay of the opening s cene and framed- story within the extract facilitates an understanding of prominent, underlying themes – corruption, and the duality of education.Deviating from the trial, the novel launches into frames- past events that culminate into Obi’s eventual demise, all of which are flashbacks designed to answer the pertinent question, ‘why he did it? ’ (line20) The frame within the extract begins with an exchange between Mr. Green and a British Council man that crystallizes the many prejudices harbored by colonials against the Africans; Mr. Green offers an insensitive and discriminatory explanation to Obi’s actions – ‘The African is corrupt through and through. ’(line26) This in itself is heavily ironic; while Mr.Green accuses Obi and his people of being ‘all corrupt’(line35), he, a colonial master, fails to realize that it is his Western education and socio-economic policies that have paradoxically landed educated Nigerian s such as Obi in their predicament. The onslaught of Western culture has essentially roped Africans deeper and deeper into moral calamity. Another example of irony is when Mr. Green declared ‘[he’s] all for equality’(line35) despite reproaching Africans for being corrupt and therefore inferior. Achebe is hence able to subtly discredit the Western system of education using Mr.Green’s hypocrisy as a representation. Henceforth, the role of the opening scene and first frame is twofold; Firstly, they work in tandem to instill the over-arching setting – an inherently corrupt African society. This provides the occasion for the main narrative- Obi being charged for accepting a bribe, and, the issue addressed by the rest of the novel- how colonialism was a detriment Nigeria as a developing nation. Beginning with the end also allows readers to anticipate Obi’s arrest depicted in the novel’s closing scene.This imbues the novel with a circularity that prompts readers to draw connections and understand the intimate relationship between the events detailed in the novel’s frames, and why Obi succumbed to corruption. Secondly, they put forth the duality of education. Here, Mr. Green’s hypocrisy (detailed in frame) and Obi’s trial (detailed in opening scene) encapsulate the superficiality of Western education- while it opened doors and opportunities, the social and moral predicament that ensued did little to emancipate Obi; rather, it entrenched him in greater problems, that of a struggle between two extreme cultures.Secondly, the characterization of Mr. Green as an archetypal colonial figure, and a symbol of patriarchic colonialism contribute to the portrayal of the theme of tradition and progression. Achebe personifies Mr. Green as a racist individual, aghast at the incompetence of Africans whom were, in his opinion, inextricably ‘corrupt through and through’(line26). It is even mentioned that Mr. Green patronized the club to escape the very presence of the locals(line34). Having understood the dynamics of Mr.Green’s character, the juxtaposition of Mr. Green and the UPU in the novel’s opening chapter, a symbol of traditionalist culture, hence highlights the two cultural spaces between which Obi is trapped. Having undergone a Western education meant that Obi was effectively void of a concrete identity, unable to assimilate completely or relate to either his cultural roots or a more contemporary, Western culture. Hence the conflict within Obi is introduced and presented to readers via this subtle juxtaposition of Mr.Green and the UPU that foreshadows the conflict between traditional and modernist values, the source of Obi’s downfall. Henceforth, Achebe has used symbolism through characters – Mr. Green and the UPU, to illustrate the long-drawn conflict between traditionalist and modernist cultures that was prominent during the post-colonial era. A nother literary technique Achebe has exploited to accentuate the cultural predicament Obi was ensnared in is that of a character foil. The theme of realism versus idealism is enforced here.Within the novel, Christopher serves as Obi’s foil; He always offers an opposing view to Obi’s. Among the many debates Christopher and Obi engaged in, the most significant is thus the discussion targeting the morality of bribery. Here, Christopher symbolizes reality- the liberal yet corrupt values of European society while Obi represents idealistic, traditional African culture. The juxtaposition of Christopher and Obi henceforth magnifies the theme of realism versus idealism; it encapsulates Obi’s struggle to come to terms with an alien European culture that would debase his African values.Henceforth, although Christopher advocates that Obi accept Elsie Mark’s offer, Obi holds fast, at this juncture, that the educated should ‘not take advantage of [their] position . ’ There is hence a distinct conflict between the irrefutable reality of a corrupt African society evidenced by Christopher’s stance, and the morality of idealistic Nigerian values, portrayed by Obi’s short-lived resistance to corruption; this thus acts as a microcosm of the transition that Obi is soon to undergo.The influence of his colonial masters will cause him to lay down his idealistic traditional beliefs and instead hoist the flag of Western culture, marking his moral degeneration and corruptibility. This signifies the point in time where Obi’s idealism is displaced by reality- corruption. By embodying the flaws of the Western education system, and exemplifying the appalling work ethic of educated Nigerians scorned by Mr. Green, Christopher therefore foreshadows Obi’s regression, allowing readers to unlock valuable insight into the corrupt nature of the educated.Henceforth, the character foil in the novel is pivotal in allowing readers to e mpathize with Obi’s susceptibility to the influence of colonialism. In conclusion, Achebe has successfully utilized the frame-story technique, symbolism and character foils to engender a conflict of tradition and progression within Obi. This has come to define the very essence of the African experience: colonization and decolonization, and the novel has successfully portrayed the tragic reality of how Obi was unable to anchor his character in the past, or in a utopian future. Word Count: 1,097

Friday, August 30, 2019

Nokia’s Luxury Mobile Phone for the Urban Rich Case Study Analysis Essay

Introduction Nokia, which is known to be a luxury cellular phone, is located in Finland and is a manufacturer of telecommunication equipment, including an extravagant mobile device. It is apparent that the cellular phone, which was originated and presented by Frank Nuovo in 1997. It appears that this luxury mobile device was directed mainly for the rich, and not the normal, everyday mobile phone user. The device is appealing to many, but is not realistically priced for the everyday individual. The manufacture of this luxury phone is Vertu, a manufacturer who aims toward luxury services, including the finest designs, engineering and manufacturing. They have put together this luxury mobile phone using innovations in the making and the technology of mobile phones, along with the normal workmanship, but at high-end prices. Vertu’s headquarters are located in England and their products are in over 500 stores, across 66 countries. Synopsis of the Situation Nokia’s CEO, Stephen Elop joined the company and within 5 months, on February 11, 2011, Stephen Elop proclaimed that Nokia was implementing a new mobile phone with Microsoft’s new Windows program, which was unconfirmed as Nokia’s main smart phone. After making this announcement on February 11, 2011, the stock dropped and the share price went down by 14 cents, because the market was not interested in a smart phone that had not proved itself. With the stock dropping, Elop went full force to save Nokia and partnered up with Microsoft to manufacture and introduce a new global ecosystem in a mobile phone. The partnership led Nokia to producing the Vertu Luxury cell phone. This luxury mobile device was created by Frank Nuovo. Key Issues Because of the 14 cent share drop in stock, Nokia had to implement a plan to better their company. Nokia’s market was decreasing and this is when Stephen Elop was hired, in order to make the changes to allow the company and the product to improve. Elop decided to utilize the newer Window’s technology in connection with the mobile device. This was something that was new to the market, and the market was not familiar with this sort of mobile device technology. The problems that Nokia was facing were explained in a memo as there being an absence of leadership, along with accountability and  collaboration internally, leading to the inability of Nokia to sufficiently, effectively and timely provide innovative products to the people. Define the Problem The problem that is at hand is that Nokia had decided to take on a new technology and operating system, allowing the possibility of things going negatively and the company’s shares dropping even more, because new technology and operating systems is what caused the shares to drop, to begin with. With Nokia operating with the Symbian operating system, it left it outdated because the software was one that was definitely outdated. Apple came in with a high technology and highly updated operating system, leaving Nokia in a position where they were not keeping up with the competition and having difficulty delivering innovative products quickly enough. Selected Solution to the Problem With this new luxury mobile device that Nokia was producing, it was rapidly growing and spreading around in the luxury mobile device market. This made the device look promising along with attracting new customers. Other brands joined the growing new market, such as Gresso and GoldVish and Mobiado. Elop knew he had to do something and he solved this problem by choosing Vertu Luxury Mobile Phone. Since both Nokia and Microsoft have been popular and present for a long period of time, they were able to join forces and develop a product which was an outstanding one. Although the cost is high and the product tends to serve just the rich, this was the plan that was put into place from the start, working and operating in an ever changing area. Apple’s phones are able to be affordable and dominate its area of services, and with Nokia joining forces with Microsoft, they were able to create their luxury line for the rich. Implementation There was originally an entry level luxury mobile device, which Nokia had propelled, before the subsidiary of Nokia, Vertu, was released. This luxury mobile device was the Nokia branded 8800 Series which sold for $1,300. The Nokia 8800 series special edition was announced in 2006, with Aston Martin and then the 24 karat gold plated device came along, the Nokia 8800 Sirocco Gold, in 2007. Nokia continued to move forward and in 2008 they presented  the Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte. As long as Nokia was able to continue to enable Vertu to lead in the high-end luxury mobile device, they were able to empower Vertu.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Extrinsic vs Intristic

There are many approaches that stem from motivation these come in the form of environmental factors, psychological bases of motivation as well as a biological factor. Motivation is a factor that lies within each individual both intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic is the motivation where the basis comes from a psychological perspective. Intrinsic motivation is when an individual takes on a task when the pay-off or reward is internal.Extrinsic on the other hand is where an individual carries out a task and is forced or driven by and external factor this may example this may be the drive for a person to carry out a task where the individual may receive a promotion in their place of employment. Individuals from the moment they are born are programmed with instincts. From the moment an infant is born they are programmed to cry when they are in need of something for instance the need to be fed this in a biological approach to motivation.Needs and drives are also a benefactor to motivation. Individuals have the need to rid of waste, for food to satisfy hunger, also for water for the relief of thirst and also an individual’s need to avoid pain. Environmental factors have been found to also contribute to motivation as well as an individual’s behaviour. In today’s society it has shown that an individual’s performance at work and their motivation has been a major benefactor (www. businessperformance. com). There are also cultural and social bases for motivation.Some individuals social needs regarding motivation can over write the biological bases for motivation example an individual who diets from a social perspective that need to achieve for what they seem to be perfect in society can over write the need for biological need for instance food in that particular case. Power motivation is also a benefactor in certain individuals. This may come in the form of an individual wanting to somehow control the outcome of a certain situation using the forc e of power.Winter (1991) states â€Å"The need for power involves the desire to tell others what to do and to use rewards or punishment to control the behaviours of others† (winter 1991, as cited in Bourne and Russo 1998). A household may experience this if a child is told to carry out a duty or chore in one case where a reward is offered the chore will be carried out in a greater manner than if the chore had not had a payoff or a reward is not offered.Motivation is an individual’s driving state or force. Motivation can also affect an individual’s state of arousal. Arousal comes in many forms this may range from an individual feeling anxiety, stress or motivation. Individuals may think that anxiety may be a negative but in cases this can be a driving force for an individual to complete certain tasks or duties and may also result and the amount of input and motivation used in that particular situation.Every individual at some point in their life will feel anxiety in a task for instance an example an individual with a mortgage if there was no arousal felt that mortgage may not be paid so motivation is a benefactor in situations like the example just shown. As human being we a need to form relationships and friendships with the people around us this is also a benefactor of motivation.With these relationships and friendship we are driven by motivation to fulfil the need and sensation of belonging with another person or persons. Individuals have the urge and willingness to succeed and to be the best they can possibly be motivation and emotion plays a big role in the way and individual plans and what steps they take to reach their goals. Not all individuals are the same that is why we are call individuals but in today’s Australian society the need for success and accomplishment is rated somewhat high.There are different incentives behind motivation Bandura explains that there are five different reasons for incentives these being primary i ncentives, this being the incentive of food, secondary incentive is the incentive to complete, plan or carry out new tasks, third is social incentives this is the need for recognition or praise, forth is the monetary incentive which may come in the form of a salary increase and finally activity incentive this incentive may come in the form of time off work.As human beings individuals dislike the feeling of failing or not being able to complete a certain task. All individuals have different driving forces and levels of motivation what one may find important to one person may not be important to another. Individuals use a somewhat standard of excellence to evaluate their status of other individual.A person with a lower drive to succeed or a lower level of motivation is less likely to accomplish what task was set out by that certain individual; people with lower level of motivation will also seek out or take on tasks which they feel that they can master quickly without much difficulty compared to a person who has a high range of motivation who is in more of a position to challenge themselves and face the task at hand and will work hard to accomplish whatever it is that they have set out for themselves or what has been set out before them.There are many theories surrounding motivation one being the push and pull theory, this can simply be broken down. The push theory for instance can be best explained for an individual planning a holiday, the push theory is the actual desire to travel. The pull theory on the other hand is best described to be the force where the attributes of that destination are the benefactor (www. businessperformance. comt). Another theory that was stated by Fredrick Winslow Taylor and this theory are based surrounding people and their place of employment.Fredrick Taylor Winslow states the idea that most individuals are driven and motivated mainly by salary or pay. He also states that generally workers do not certainly or naturally enjoy work a nd close supervision and control of workers from their employers is needed (www. tutor2u. net). Taylor’s theory has been used in a wide variety of work and business places. His theory has been a benefactor in businesses opting for the use of production lines.Abraham Maslow (1908 – 1970) put forward his theory which is a pyramid which details five separate stages which focused on an individual’s psychological needs. The bottom or lowest level of the pyramid being the most basic of the psychological this is the need of basic survival; this includes food, water and sex. The next stage is the need and want of safety. This may come in the form of family, an individual’s well-being and health and also a person’s security of employment.The next stage up the pyramid is the relationship, love and belonging as earlier stated as individuals we are built to social creatures and to build friendships and relationships is the motivation to fulfil this particular need. The fourth stage is a person sense of self-esteem. This also includes the respect we have of ourselves and the respect we have of other’s; it is our confidence. The highest point of Marlow’s hierarchy of needs and the top of the pyramid is the ultimate fulfilment.This stage is known as self –actualisation. It is the level that a person realises one self and one’s potential and is the desire or driving force for an individual to become all that they can possibly become. Elton Mayo also put forward another theory, this is the theory that not all individuals regarding the workplace are not only focused on the money but could also be focused by the social need of an individual to be fulfilled in their place of employment.When working in groups together or when a group is given a certain task there are benefactors who may drive a person’s strive for the input of motivation given by a particular person this could be from benefactors from the size o f the group, and an individual’s belief about what other individuals in the group are doing and also the amount of creativity required. If there is a larger group a person’s drive or motivation may not be as strong because the amount of workload can be reduced on a certain individual.Another benefactor is if individuals feel that a peer or peers are not doing their part or doing the best that they can that individual may also not perform to the best of their ability. If the task that is given out requires low level of creativity the motivation may also not be as strong as that if a task requires a higher amount of creativity or input. Bourne and Russo (1998) also explain that motivation and emotion are closely linked. Motivation involves the needs and goals, whilst emotions involve our feelings when expectancies are not fulfilled (ACAP notes week 9).According to Robert Plutchik (1980) there are eight primary emotions these being joy, sadness, acceptance, disgust, fear, anger, surprise and anticipation. These emotions can be combined to produce another certain amount of emotion this may come into the form of a mixture of joy and acceptance can produce love; our relationships and friendships are influenced by emotions. Psychologists have discovered a ways that individuals can improve their amount of motivation so an individual can accomplish personal goals. Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen wrote an article covering the topic.The finding within the article suggested that is to view circumstances from a third person’s perspective rather than that of a person who view issues from a first hand or personal view. Psychologists have found that using the term he or she rather than I can help individuals fulfil their goals and increases the level of motivation a person has for achieving whatever it is that they wish to achieve (www. suite101. com). The subject of improving or strengthening motivation has also shown to be a popular topic with in the work place. Mayo suggests that managers take a greater interest in employees (www. utor2u. net) As individuals we all have the need and want to live a comfortable lifestyle where we are happy and fulfilled but to accomplish this motivation is a major benefactor in the completion of goals or steps that is necessary to be at that stage in life where individuals feel a sense of happiness and completion. If an individual psychologically has the right mind set and motives behind that particular driving force anything is possible.References: ACAP notes weeks 1 – 9 www. businessperformance. com www. businessperformance. com www. tutor2u. net www. suite101. com

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Tillie Olsen's I stand here Ironing By susan Cahill's Essay

Tillie Olsen's I stand here Ironing By susan Cahill's - Essay Example She seems to be worn down by life and does not care about much anymore. I was touched by how the mother in the story is so neglectful of her children. It seems her oldest daughter taught her much about herself, life, and parenting. However, with her knowledge, the mother still does very little to change her life. She thinks that her oldest daughter is basically a lost cause because she is older and tainted by the world. The girl is talented and has much potential but the mother simply looks at her and thinks that it is a shame that her girl will never fully blossom. This is a defeatist attitude and a sad one because the mother is simply too tired to care. The mother seems content with the fact that there is nothing she can do about her situation. It is also sad that the mother finds ways to blame her children when she can. She claims that Emily did not want to be touched and that she was "too much to herself, her life was such that she kept too much in herself" (Olsen 590). In additi on, she sates, "My wisdom came too late . . . she is a child of her age, of depression, of war, of fear" (Olsen 590). Here I see the mother simply giving up because she is tired and all she wants to do is take a nap. This mother has more control and influence that she wants to believe. To turn things around, it might take some hard work.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Educational system through the use of new ICT resources Essay

Educational system through the use of new ICT resources - Essay Example It is very important to consult the customers of education business because the demand is logically generated by their willingness to patronize the enterprise. In this case, the students are the customers. Any investment in ICT by Mid Wales University would have to satisfy needs of mostly students through faculties, educational systems and resources, along with strategies for implementing plans and programs. The average ratio of staff to students in UK universities is 1 per 18.1. At Buckingham, it is only 1 staff for every 10.5 students (The University of Buckingham 2013). For purposes of this scenario analysis, let the assumptions be as follows: (a)Mid Wales should aim to have a staff to student ratio of 1 is to 12 in order to aspire for quality education through closer supervision of individual educational performance. (b)Following a similar statistics identifying who are the students of Buckingham University, wherein 52% are British; 14% come from Asian and Pacific countries like Australia, China, India, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, Sri Langka, Singapore, Pakistan, Nepal, Malaysia, and New Zealand; 13% are from Africa and islands somewhere in the Indian Ocean; 11% come from countries belonging to the European Union; 5% are made up of people from America including USA, Canada, Mexico, Columbia, Nicaragua, and other Caribbean countries; 3% from Middle East and North Africa e.g. Bahrain, Israel, Algeria, Palestine, Syria, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Qatar, Sudan, Oman, Turkey, and Libya; and 2% from other European countries and Central Asia, such as Russia, Georgia, Macedonia, Albania, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine. Therefore, the customers are from many nations worldwide. (c) Most of these students, about 73%, are employed on full time basis as they study, while 15% went back to school for further studies. Only 7% are employed but work only part-time. 1% went to school while on volunta ry work. Only 3% are self-employed and only 1% unemployed. (The Buckingham University2, 2013) Due to the changing UK trend of jobs in demand, the courses have to be considered as well. Assumption (d) would be the eventual inclusion of 10 courses related to the forecasted high demand work for the near future. Business, Accounting, Finance, Economics, Statistics, Liberal Arts, Engineering, and General Science will remain. However, it is assumed in this scenario that Genetics, Environmental Engineering, Mental Health and Psychology, Food Production, Software Engineering, Information Security, Medicine, Language Interpretation and Translation, Computer Engineering, and Civil Engineering will become integrated in the coming years due to the demand for such jobs in the near future (Zabala, R. 2012). A Powerful, Flexible Server for Short to Long-Term Educational Enterprise A. Infrastructure For educational institutions, technology of teaching and learning should consider not only the stude nts and courses or curriculum, but also the enhancements for the effective delivery, progress monitoring, and advancements in education, supposed to be found in infrastructures. Mobile and digital technology owned by the learning population have become the means to access information. This situation demands certain requirements from the ICT Infrastructure within the campus. The server room must provide for networking in terms of wireless access points (WAP). It should have a

Video Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Video Response - Essay Example Graphic Novels & Her Familys Influence† demonstrates that Satrapi’s family has numerous independent women as role models, especially her grandmother and mother. These women did not allow society to undervalue them, and instead, their vibrant personalities helped them become independent individuals in a conformist society. Satrapi had strong women role models as her inspiration for her freedom-loving spirit. Besides the new things I learned about Satrapi and her society, the videos are related to the reading, â€Å"The Social Construction of Gender† by Judith Lorber, because they provide examples of how gender is a social process, stratification, and structure, and how Satrapi coped with the social construction of gender in Iran. Lorber argues that gender is a â€Å"process† of socially conditioning girls on how to be women, stratification is a form of gender â€Å"ranking† where women are lower than men, and social structure is the organization of work and life according to gender (114-116). In these videos, Satrapi showed that she also went through the process of being socially taught on how to be a woman because of the pressure to be beautiful and to be noticed. In addition, she experienced gender stratification through people who told her where women’s place should be (i.e. as a wife, not an activist) and how they should act in society (i.e. get married a nd have a family). However, instead of being a woman in society’s terms, Satrapi emphasizes that she will do what is meaningful for her and what makes her happy. I agree with Satrapi that people should do what makes them happy because their happiness is more important than aligning their identities with gender norms and behaviors. Satrapi says in â€Å"Marjane Satrapi LinkTV† that she does things as she likes. She has an independent spirit and she does not work to please others. She says that a person who enjoys her own work produces work that will also be appreciated by others. I appreciate her work and

Monday, August 26, 2019

Doha Sports' Management, Control, Liability, and Taxation Research Proposal - 13

Doha Sports' Management, Control, Liability, and Taxation - Research Proposal Example Doha sports shop intends to provide house delivery services to its clients with a busy schedule. This service is important because it would reduce expenses for clients and control air pollution as clients would not have to drive to the shop. The main target market for Doha Sports shop is online buyers who are time conscious. Additionally, the organization targets athletes who participate in major events such as the London Marathon or Olympics. The business would also target people aged between 18 -35. This is because most people within such an age group are active in sports, have a busy schedule and spend more time surfing online.The company has hired the services of online experts who are experienced in virtual businesses. Additionally, the company sells its brand of goods at an affordable price. It is also evident that the strategy would enable the business to outshine its major competitors such as Reebok, Nike, and Adidas.The best form of business that Doha sports shop can operate is Partnership. Unlike a sole proprietorship, a partnership is owned by several members but should not exceed twenty four. A significant advantage of the partnership is the ability to allow a firm to operate independently from the owners. This simply means that in case one member dies or quit, the business would still operate. Doha sports would benefit from the partnership because the owners would raise enough capital to start and run the business. Additionally, the partners can share losses in case of any unintended consequences. Lastly, the partners can take part in running the business thus saving time and cost of operating the business in case they were to employ someone to run the business. The business can grow to a corporation. Consequently, it can be quoted in the stock exchange market. This would enable Doha sports shop to improve its image, sell its shares in the stock market and expand internationally.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Nternational Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nternational Relations - Essay Example This was mainly achieved through the department of security sending us troops to war torn countries to bring peace and also engaging warring groups in peace talks. It is noted that America was greatly involved in the creation of the international court of justice in Yugoslavia to bring to book the perpetrators of crimes during the long period of war that hit the nation (Sewall, Sarah, & Carl). The perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide were also charged before an international court, which was established in Kampala by the efforts of the American government in its bid to ensure international peace and security is maintained at all times. USA has always been in the forefront agitating for global peace, and that can be denoted by its numerous efforts in implementing that very policy. That notwithstanding in 1990 it was the US government that came up with the idea of coming up with an international court that would be responsible of prosecuting individuals who committed certain crimes that jeopardize international peace and security (Sewall, Sarah, & Carl). It is from this idea that the Rome Statue was developed and implemented to create the international criminal court which is responsible of ensuring perpetrators of crimes against humanity are prosecuted and charged according to the procedures of the court regardless of the legal procedures that exist in their respective countries of residence. The US government was committed to the constitution of the Rome statue until it reached a point where the interests of the US governments and those of its citizens were not considered in the provisions that sought to form the international criminal court. It is from this instance that USA decided to cut its cooperation and support of the whole process which would later come to from the ICC (Sewall, Sarah & Carl). USA as the world superpower is involved in a number of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Case Study (Master Degree in Health Psychology) Essay

Case Study (Master Degree in Health Psychology) - Essay Example The onset of this disease therefore is during childhood. Patients suffering from this type of diabetes are prone to the development of ketoacidocis and therefore insulin therapy is essential for the survival of the patient. It arises due to the loss of beta cell of the islets of Langerhans of the pancrease that are responsible for the production of insulin leading to reduction in insulin production. In some instances the term Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) can be used interchangeably with type I diabetes. Diabetes type I consists of almost 10% of all diabetic patients. Life adjustments programs including exercises and change of diet don't improve the condition because damage has already been caused. Type II diabetes is also referred to as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus often abbreviated as (NIDDM) it is often commonly reported in African Americans, Asian Americans and the aged populations. This type is often associated with obesity in this case the deposition of fat around the abdominal organs that are around the waste without subcutaneous fat make patients prone to development of insulin resistance. The onset of this condition is during adulthood and is characterized by hyperglycemia (increased blood glucose) as a result of low production of insulin from the pancrease and insulin resistance or overproduction of glucose for example during breakdown of glycogen. Insulin is important in the body as it enables the body to use the glucose obtained from diet to produce energy thus in most diabetic patients there is a general feeling of weakness due to lack of energy for the body. Lack of insulin can cause two main effects in the body first the body cells are starved of ener gy and secondly the increase in concentration of blood glucose may lead to damage of eyes and heart muscles. During insulin resistance the body cells do not respond to the presence of insulin in the blood. In a normal individual once food is taken in through the gut the macromolecules in the food are broken down by intestinal enzymes into small micro molecular units for example glucose that can be readily absorbed in the body. Diabetes is often as a result of lack of exercise and therefore in most cases associated with countries from the western or developed world. Normally type II diabetic patients are less prone to development of ketoacidosis however they are likely to develop non-ketoacidonic hypoglycemia which is quite dangerous. Type II diabetes can lead to organ damage an most notably the cardiovascular system. Diabetes type II often remain unnoticed for several years because its conditions are commonly mild however its long-term effects may be lethal and therefore necessitating frequent clinical checkups to detect the disease at an early stage and most importantly is important to make sure that the body is maintained healthy by doing lots of exercise. Analysis of the problem Imran, a middle aged man of forty years who recently went for a medical checkup, was found to be diabetic. He was diagnosed of having non-insulin depended diabetes which is commonly referred to as type II diabetes. As a

Friday, August 23, 2019

Counseling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Counseling - Essay Example Life has become so complex and difficult, many things affect our lives in drastic ways and in the recent past we have witnessed terrorizing events, which have changed our lives forever. Everybody needs help in coping with such events and bringing their lives back to normal. We can identify a troubled individual by some signs such as poor performance, excessive absences or tardiness, irritability, substance abuse, hyperactivity or isolated behavior and many others. These signs are not to be taken lightly; we should take action when we notice such signs in an individual, basically have a plan of action. Talk to the individual and ask him if he needs help, usually the troubled individual would not admit that he needs help but still refer him to a counselor. (Colorado State University Police Department) Comforting the troubled is not an easy job and requires a support group of people who can understand your situation and relate to it. These days we have such support groups that are open to all, here people with similar experiences share their stories and provide each other with comfort. During such troubled times it is welcoming to be surrounded by people and knowing that you at least have somebody to talk to. If we think about it in a religious manner than to comfort the troubled is a good thing, we all want to comfort our loved ones whether it is a friend or a family member. If you are a Christian, the Church provides you with a lot of support and advice. If takes your mind off the troubled event and diverts you to the path of God. In the olden days counseling was only done by the religious heads but today, we have professional who are experts in this field. Their job is to listen to you and provide you with options, which can help solve the problem. These people are called counselors. They are paid to listen to you. Apart from going to a counselor, it is always helpful to have a close tightly knit group of friends and family members, these people can help get over the troubled thoughts more quickly and easily. Troubling the comfortable is totally opposite to comforting the troubled. This literally means to irritate and confuse people who are content with their lives and do not have any worries that according to them may be serious. Many people in our world have no concern for other people and although they live their life without interfering in other, they should show a concern for other people and their requirements. This feeling should exist among all human beings as part of humanity. We live our lives with everything we wish for, while there are millions who cannot afford one meal. In this sense they are the comfortable and they need to be troubled by asking them to help the people who cannot afford one meal or to feed their children so that they sleep on a full stomach. Counseling for this part of statement, troubling the comfortable is to make people aware of these situations and get them to express their humanity; to get people to perform good acts for the benefit of mankind. Bibliography 1. Dealing with Troubled People, Colorado State University Police Department, 2. What Is Counseling The Counseling Center,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

American Indian Smithsonian Museum Essay Example for Free

American Indian Smithsonian Museum Essay The second floor of National Museum of the American Indian contains many interesting exhibits that tell stories of American Indians, such as the livelihood of Native Americans in the present time and the culture of American Indians. There are many items that are related to American Indians’ lives in those exhibits. However, the author of this essay is interested in The American Indian which is the name of an oil painting that has been depicted in one of those exhibits, Our Live. This oil painting was painted on linen in 1970 by Fritz Scholder who was the renowned Native American artist of the 20th century. The painting depicts an American Indian man who beautifies his long black hair with a feather and holds a pipe tomahawk in front of the yellow and brown background. Additionally, the man covers the American flag over his body. The Our Live exhibit represents contemporary life and identities of American Indians. According to the website of National Museum of the American Indian, â€Å"The main section of Our Lives centers on various layers of identity. For Native people, identitywho you are, how you dress, what you think, where you fit in, and how you see yourself in the worldhas been shaped by language, place, community membership, social and political consciousness, and customs and beliefs. But Native identity has also been influenced by a legacy of legal policies that have sought to determine who is Indian and who is not. The issue of Native identity continues to resonate today, as Native people across the Americas seek to claim the future on their own terms. In other words, a significant number of Native Americans attempt to remain their identities; their languages, tradition, culture and custom although the English language, new culture and modern life style of modern Americans influence over their lives. As a result, all of the items that are shown in this exhibit express the view of American Indians about protecting or continuing their lives and identities though their society is affected by white people. For example, the oil painting, The American Indian, is not just the painting that is hanging in order to decorate a wall, but there is the hidden meaning behind the picture. The artist’s inspiration came from the relationship between native nations and modern nations which were full of complexities and ironies, confrontation and negotiations. Also, the artist painted the pipe tomahawk in the man’s hand in order to represent the notion that American Indian were not willing to give their land to white people, and they did not want to abandon their identities, so they had to fight for maintaining their land and their culture. The information board beside this painting states â€Å"The pipe tomahawk reminds us that our survivance was not freely given, we have had to defend it. † Moreover, although American Indians attempt to fight for their identities following their culture, they have to behave in modern American ways in order to survive in present society; using English instead of their traditional languages, changing their religions to Christianity, and changing their culture to modern Americans’ culture. Therefore, the artist expresses this feeling in the picture by draping the American flag over the Native American man’s figure. Because of the profound meaning of this oil painting that is able to tell the story and feeling of Native Americans, it is one of the important items that is shown in this museum. This oil painting is related to the story, â€Å"Decolonising the Mind†, in the book One World, Many Cultures. According to the story, the narrator whose name was Ngugi Wa Thiong’o was born in 1938 in Kenya, Africa. He started his story by introducing his language, Gikuyu and a traditional story that was told to teach Kenyan children by using an animal as the main character of a story. However, everything was changed when he went to a school that was a colonial school. In the school, he must use only English though he talked to Kenyan friends who have Gikuya as their own language. If any student disobeyed this rule, they would be given corporal punishment or fined money that they were not able to afford. Also, English literature was taught to all Kenyan students, whereas the oral literature of Kenya was discontinued to educate Kenyan children. Moreover, the narrator stated that if students had distinctions in all subject except English, they were not able to attend any universities and have high-paying job. Additionally, Ngugi said â€Å"the real aim of colonialism was to control people’s wealth: what they produced, how they produced it, and how it was distributed; to control, in other words, the entire realm of the language of real life. In other words, he thought colonialism controlled his country and forced him to abandon his language and culture. Although he had a notion that he resisted changing the language and culture in his country that was controlled by colonialism, he had to behave in the ways that the colonialism commanded because he did not have any choices. In other words, following the rule of colonialism was the only way that he could survive in the society. Similarly, the oil painting, the American Indian, represents modern Americans attempt to transform Native Americans. American Indians did not have any choices as same as the Kenyan people had to change their own identities; tradition, culture and language in order to survive in the obligatory circumstances. After reading the story, â€Å"Decolonising the mind†, and visiting the Our Live exhibit, the narrator of this essay thinks that culture and tradition are used to identify the difference of each country around the world, and also, people in each country are proud of their own culture, tradition and languages. As a result, people do not want others to come to their lands and command them to eliminate their culture and tradition in order to follow the new culture and tradition. This feeling is contained in both the story and the oil painting that the writer describes in this essay. Finally, the author of the essay believes that although colonialism is able to force people to behave in its ways, it cannot completely change people’s minds.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Kingdom of God Essay Example for Free

Kingdom of God Essay Describing what is meant by the Kingdom of God can be very complex, because so many people has set forth to describe this phrase to the best of their own knowledge, and generally each of these descriptions differs. Personally, besides the many verses in the Bible that are relative to the subject, it is best described by Donald B. Kraybill. In Kraybill’s novel â€Å"The Upside-down Kingdom† he writes; â€Å"The Kingdom of God is a collectivity—a network of persons who have yielded their hearts and relationships to the reign of God. † â€Å"He also notes that people must enter the kingdom because it is a state of affairs rather than a state of mind (p.19).† The Kingdom then, represents God’s power of ruling, his authority, and basically his government. â€Å"His disciples asked him what this parable meant. He said, the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables† (Luke 8:9, 10). Unless an individual is a born again Christian he will not understand the secrets of the Kingdom of God. The Jewish sects Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zealots are noted as being developed during the time of the second temple through the tenth century. This is the period that it seems that the Jewish sects were most generative. The Jewish people noted only three philosophical sects which are Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes, of the three Essenes is noted as being the one with the most severe discipline. According to Josephus, [War of the Jews] 1 chapter 8.2 Pharisees, Essenes, Sadducees, Zealots were divided into three groups which were criminal, nationalist and Philosophical (religious). The Sadducees and the Pharisees really seem to be as religious as they were political. History tells us that in ancient societies political and religious laws were pretty much the same. Moreover, the Sadducees and the Pharisees did seem to have a bit more interest in that of political power than what was religiously correct. This we know was absolutely not pleasing to our God. â€Å"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever† (Hebrew 13:8). Regardless to the ways and or the thoughts of the Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes and the Zealots one thing that remains the same and will never change is the fact that our God does not change his mind or act indifferent towards his children regardless of the mishaps that we may allow ourselves to experience. â€Å"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God† (Romans 13, 1). This verse pretty much says it all when referring to the political convictions discussed by Josephus, God is in control of all situations regardless to whether it is written in the Old or New Testament. According to Josephus, the Zealots were described as political and grouped as nationalists. However, it seemed that their religious beliefs were indivisible from their political convictions. Moreover, this is not an indication that all of the sects of the second temple were more political than religious, the truth of the matter is that there was not much partition between the two. The Essenes, Sadducees and the Pharisees stand out to more people than the rest of the sects because it is said that they were supposedly better known to people than the rest of the sects, and some people seem to think that the Pharisees were forefathers of the Rabbis. The Sadducees; were differ ent in their own way, they were not the Jewish people that simply did not believe in resurrection, nor did they believe that heaven exists. Strangely, the Sadducees were of the group that only accepted the Torah, as authoritative, this strange group of individuals were known to not be very popular with the rest of the Jewish population. â€Å"For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor angel, nor spirit, but the Pharisees acknowledge them all† (Acts 23:8). During or around the time of 2nd century B.C there existed a monastic Jewish sect that was referred to as the Essenes. They were known to reside somewhere not far from the Dead Sea. They were pretty much isolated from the entire Jewish community. Notably, the Essenes seemed to have had closer relationships towards each other than any other sects, and were said to be Jewish by birth. The Essenes neglected matrimony but choose out of other families children to be of their family and transformed them according to their personal likings, and had a huge amount of respect and obedience for their elders. If at any time they complained against their elders or authorities they would be expelled from their community, more strangely than that if an elder was even touched by a younger person they were casted as being dirty. There is an overwhelming amount of information that openly describes how the Messianic expectation of the various sects, differs from the Messianic role that Jesus presented. Examples would be as follows; The Essenes was known as a Jewish religious sect and was in fact not mentioned in the Bible, but was indeed mentioned on the Dead Sea Scrolls. This particular group adapted to their life according to the law of the Jews, and they opposed Temple priesthood. The Pharisees were different because they were more of a prominent sect of Jewish people in the time of Christ. They were in disagreement with Jesus and his teachings. â€Å"But the Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus† (Mathew 12:14). The Pharisees had absolutely no love for Jesus and felt that the world would be a better place without him obviously. The Sadducees were additionally, another renowned Jewish religious sect. Their beliefs differed in another way because they only accepted more hideous things like the laws and rejections of the oral traditions; which included immortality of the soul; denial of body resurrection and existence of the spirit world. In addition, they supported families of Jewish patriots of the first and second centuries B.C. whom were totally active in the liberation of Judea from the Syrian rule. Lastly, we will discuss the difference in the Zealots concerning the Messianic expectations. The Zealots will take a total twist here from the above mentioned sects. The reason being is because according to the Bible Simon was a Zealot â€Å"Matthew, Thomas, James, son of Alphaeus, Simon who was called the Zealot† (Luke 6:15). The Zealots preferred armed mutiny against Rome, in doing so they thought that God would deliver Israel with the sword. Faithfully, acknowledging the Spirit of Jesus, he {Jesus} is lead into the wilderness for the sole intention of being tempted by the devil. â€Å"He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him† (Mark 1:13). This place of wilderness was not fit for human life, water was accessible but it was an unpopulated region. â€Å"When tempted, no one should say, God is tempting me, for God cannot be tempted by the devil, nor does he tempt anyone† (James 1:13), but instead, Jesus is lead, into a situation by the devil that could possibly tempt him. Jesus teaches us to pray that we are not lead into temptations, but yet he is lead into temptations while on earth so this is what the devil set out to do, which was take Jesus through the test of temptations. References Kraybill, Donald B. The Upside Down Kingdom Revised Ed. Scottsdale, Pennsylvania: Herald Press, 1990. 275pg. May 20, 2006 Second Temple Sects The Complete Works Of Flavious Josephus The Pharisees and other sects edited with a preface by Jacob Neusne, Retrieved from Josephus/.HTM on January 7, 2013

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Additional Elements Of The Extended Marketing Mix Marketing Essay

Additional Elements Of The Extended Marketing Mix Marketing Essay This essay looks at the main elements of both the original and the extended marketing mix. This includes an introduction to the concept of the product life cycle, new product development, pricing strategies, distribution options and the promotion mix. Finally, the essay develops marketing mixes for Deans Leisure Centre to meet the needs of different target groups. Explain how products are developed to sustain competitive advantage. Sustainable competitive advantage is the focal point of a corporate strategy. It allows the maintenance and improvement of an enterprises competitive position in the market. It is an advantage that enables business to survive against its competition over a long period of time. A competitive advantage is an advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value, either by means of lower prices or by providing greater benefits and service that justifies higher prices see (Appendix 1). When a firm sustains profits that exceed the average for its industry, the firm is said to possess a competitive advantage over its rivals. The goal of much of business strategy is to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Porter identified two basic types of competitive advantage and cost advantage. See (Appendix 2) When an organisation introduces a product into a market they must consider: who is the product aimed at, what benefit will customers expect, how does the firm plan to position the product within the market and what differential advantage will the product offer over their competitors. Kotler suggested that a product should be viewed in three levels: Core Product, Actual Product and Augmented product. See Deans product levels in (Appendix 3). However, for a product to be able to sustain competitive advantage the term New Product Development has been developed. This has been invented to check and develop the viability of a product which is new to a market. Deans think about term of new product development in order to sustain or build a competitive advantage. To do this Deans follow (NPD) processes, see (Appendix 4). Deans is the market leader in providing different products like gym, spa and hydrotherapy pool as there are no competitors in this sector. There good image makes the organisation more strong. Deans is providing good quality products with qualified staff, good atmosphere and hygienic environment. Motivation level of staff is very high which make the organisation more prosperous. They have enough resources for operating different activities of the organisation. They have created good image in customers mind another big strength and even a competitive advantage is the fact that they have a full service gym; Deans can market too many different segments that other gym cannot do. For example, Deans is open to all staffs, students and community much easier than other fitness centres because most of the people are not good financially so they can attract by their low prices with good quality gym services. They are providing high range of products comparatively with low prices. Explain how distribution is arranged to provide customer convenience. Distribution really plays a very important role in enhancing the convenience of the customers therefore; distribution system of a company can appear as a major competency for the company. There are four elements of marketing mix including product, price, promotion and place. The distribution comes under the place category and the companies develop proper distribution system because accessibility of the customers enhances the potential sales for a company. Two types of channel of distribution methods are available. Indirect distribution involves distributing product by the use of an intermediary. Direct distribution involves distributing direct from a manufacturer to the consumer. For example, Deans already has its location so will therefore look at the need and wants of its customers in this area, with staff and students of the college. If Deans does not outsource its distribution services then customers may not willing to get them. They must distribute the product to the user at the right place at the right time. Deans consider on its overall marketing objectives to be efficient and effective. Explain how prices are set to reflect an organisations objectives and market conditions. One of the aspects in the marketing mix is pricing. This part of the 7 Ps are the one creating revenue and which is also why it is important that an organisation chooses the correct price. The price is determined by the discovery of what the customer finds reasonable and this is also why a lot of organisations chooses to do researches of the consumers opinions before the product goes to the markets. Pricing is difficult and must reflect supply and demand relationship. Pricing a product too high or too low could mean a loss of sales for the organisation. Pricing is one of the most important elements of the Dean Gym marketing mix, as it is the only mix, which generates a turnover for the Deans. The gym can adopt a number of pricing strategies. The pricing strategies are based much on what objectives the company has set itself to achieve, see below: Penetration pricing: Here the organisation sets a low price to increase sales and market share. Once market share has been captured the firm may well then increase their price Skimming pricing: The organisation sets an initial high price and then slowly lowers the price to make the product available to a wider market. The objective is to skim profits of the market layer by layer. Competition pricing: Setting a price in comparison with competitors. Really a firm has three options and these are to price lower, price the same or price higher. Discount pricing: This involve offering a reduced price of certain types and groups of customers. Variable pricing: An organisation can very price by customer types, level and quality of service, times and days, seasons and so on. Cost-plus pricing: Here the firm add a percentage to costs as profit margin to come to their final pricing decisions. Convincing consumers to try a new product or service is one of the biggest challenges small businesses face. Marketing can be especially difficult for membership like gyms because consumers may be wary of committing to a recurring fee. Dean Gym use pricing tactic to help build a base of customers. As there are such competitors of Deans gym which could compete with the quality of gym produced at Deans, therefore the pricing strategy adopted by Deans gym is discount pricing. Dean uses free trials because some people simply will not spend money on a gym membership unless they can try it out first, which is why they give two months free membership and it can give customers the opportunity to see if a facility suits their needs. They offering low introductory rates because it is another tactic that Dean Gym can use to attract new customers. For example, Dean has monthly membership, where members pay monthly straight out of their bank account and with no contract. They also has annual adva nce, with this option customers pay for their membership for the year up front, but they will give them two months free. Deans offer 10% discounts for families and children. Families and children often go to the gym together, which can make gym membership a group decision. However, pricing strategies can improve Deans customer loyalty and ultimately lead to better membership numbers. Illustrate how promotional activity is integrated to achieve marketing objectives. These activities are performed in order to awake and aware the consumers about the product. Promotion being a feature of marketing mix consists of communication among the consumer and supplier of that product. Promotional activities are important factor because it tells the consumer about the product from different regions and it becomes difficult in selling a product if they are not being anticipated in the market through different promotional activities. The promotional mix consists: Advertising: Presentation of the product which is wanted to be promoted- this can be done by for example bill boards, banners or posters. The advantages are: advertising can inform people about different products and services, their utilities, cost and other requirements. The disadvantage is cost because advertising is more expansive. Personal Selling: This can be done by a company by training their sales team to know all need to know about the product so it can be sold by a presentation. Personal selling is one of the ways to keep good customers relationships, but this method is expensive. Sales promotion: Here it is communicated in a time limited way to increase consumer demand by for example contests, samples or trade shows. The advantage is that sales promotion can help companies to provide right information to customers, also it encourage repeat purchases and customer loyalty, but the advantages are that it increase price sensitivity and it is generally for a short duration Public relations: This can be paid or non paid stimulations of a product. This can be a product represented in for example magazines, TV or radio etc. PR is inexpensiveness of the cost, but it is hard to predict about the responses and it increase the risk. Direct marketing: This aspect is a way to reach the consumers directly, such as fliers or street advertising. It allow to target specific customer and it can be measureable, but it is hard to get as immediate of an impact when using direct marketing and it can be quite expansive. For example, for the promotion Deans adopt advertisement, public relations and internet marketing. Analyse the additional elements of the extended marketing mix Marketing mix has three additional elements: People, Process and Physical Evidence People: This refers to the people who are in direct contact with the customer such as staff. One of the crucial parts in selling a product is the staff and its service as lot of people rely on a good service before buying a product. The employees should have the appropriate interpersonal skills, attitude and knowledge of the product. Some companies make sure to train their staff to ensure the service the customer is seeking for- this can be done by guidelines of selling or training schools in selling. For example, the employees in Dean Gym have a standard uniform and Dean specially focuses on friendly and prompt service to its customers from their employees. The employees are part time workers and full time workers. Process: This concerns the process of delivering a service. It is crucial that the company delivers as easy as possible and completing a sale without any unnecessary steps. Dean has a number of processes involved in making marketing effective in organisation e.g. processes for handling customer complaints, processes for identifying customer needs and requirements, processes for handling equipments. Physical evidence: This part of the mix is an essential part where consumers will base their decisions based on the service which is partly visible. This could be a members card, a friendly environment. Dean gym focuses on clean and hygienic interiors of its outlets and at the same time the interiors are attractive and the gym maintains a proper etiquette at its joints. The design, furnishing, layout and decoration of the gym chain as well as the appearance and attitudes of its employees will influence customer perceptions of the service quality and experiences. Plan marketing mixes for two different segments in consumer markets. Deans is focusing on target market; when it markets a product it mainly consider on demographic and physiographic segmentations; where demographic segment before it markets it identify the consumer groups in: age, sex, education, race, and occupation, and in physiographic it divides the market into different levels as: Lower class, middle class, and upper class to identify their customers, Where Deans has planned to market a new product for a different segmentation so it needs to identify the consumers. After the segmentation Deans consider on the marketing mix its also called as the 4ps. Deans gym 4Ps: Product: Deans gym offers a variety of fitness equipment for both strength training and cardio. The gym has a state of the art fitness suite equipped with the latest Technogym Visio Web cardiovascular equipment. This allows customer to browse the web, watch television, read articles or update social network account whilst working out. If you prefer a group exercise programme timetable is available. See (Appendix 5) Price: Deans offer two different price sections for the gym, one for students and staff of the college at a reduced rate but with limited hours, these hours are designed to work around students courses and another that student/staff of the college can use over more hours and use more of the facilities. The gym then offers a scheme to the public of Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum. See membership options and price list in (Appendix 6) Place: Deans Sport and leisure is located at Knights Building, Lincoln College. This is a prime location for Lincoln college students and staffs to be target as an expansion of their current market share as it is within the college. See (Appendix 7) Promotion: Deans is currently using public relations and internet marketing, where they advertise through radio, magazine, news paper, and social network like Facebook, Tweeter, and their official website. Deans spa 4Ps: Product: Deans Spa is part of membership, where they offer spa pool with loungers, sauna, steam room, tropical shower, ice shower, foot spa. Additional packages include: Spa packages, dermalogica facials, massage, body treatments, hands and feet, salon. See (Appendix 8) Price: Deans offer three different price sections for the spa: senior spa therapist, spa therapist and student therapist. See (Appendix 9) Place: Deans spa is located at Deans Building, Lincoln College. Same as Deans gym students and staffs are their target market. Promotion: same as the gym, Deans spa also use radio, magazine, news paper, and social network and their official website to advertise their products. Illustrate differences in marketing products and services to businesses rather than consumers There are some characteristics to a service such as: lack of ownership, tangibility, intangibility and inseparability. Each of these needs to be taken into account when marketing a service. Customers cannot own and store a service like they can store a product. Services are used for a period of time. For example Deans gym have membership option where customers pay for option to use monthly and annually. A product is something which is tangible where as a service is intangible. A product is much easier than the service because after marketing and selling a product there is something tangible to be seen by the customer for his/her satisfaction but in services he/she cannot because its intangible. For example, Deans gym provides a variety of products all related to the health, well being, and self-esteem of its members. Their tangible products include personal weight control, weight room, cardio, tanning, personal training, and a variety of drinks, supplements, and health items that all may be purchased at the Gym, but their intangible product is their services. Services cannot be separated from service providers. A product can be taken away from the producer but a service cannot be taken away as it involves the service provider. For example Deans provide group exercise such as strength training, cardio and dancing classes. On other hand, the marketer needs to analyse the major demand of customers in a specific market in order to find out a product that can respond the market demand. Firstly, marketers have to improve products to meet customers demand as much as possible. Secondly, the price is an important factor in product marketing because of the price must be set to match with the purchasing power of a target group. Thirdly, the place of product marketing refers to distribution channels to deliver and sell the product to customers. Lastly, the marketer also needs to create the promotion on the product in order to persuade customers and motivate the sale in a short term. Conclusion: For a company to be able to implement their marketing concept successfully the marketing mix is essential. After applying the three additional Ps it has enables the present service standard to be reached. This way a company will reach a bigger customer satisfaction as they reach their customers better in what they want and need to the easiest way for them to purchase the product. It is important when going into a different market that the companys marketing focuses on all of the different aspects in the tools of the marketing umbrella.

Japanese Prejudice in Fact and Fiction Essay -- Discrimination Japanes

Japanese Prejudice in Fact and Fiction The novel Snow Falling on Cedars by David Guterson is about the way Japanese Americans were treated in the United States during the time of Pearl Harbor and afterwards. Guterson got his inspiration for a novel about a court trial full of prejudice from Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird. His father was a lawyer, so Guterson was able to reenact a realistic trial that could have occurred during the late 1940s in the book (Sherwin 1). Kabuo Miyamoto, the man accused of murder in the book, is presumed guilty because he looks different. When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, most Americans became fearful of the Japanese. The Japanese-Americans didn’t have as many rights as other Americans, and like Kabuo would have been presumed guilty. Japanese were not allowed to own or lease land, they were sent to internment camps, and when they returned from the camps their personal possessions were not returned. The Japanese living on the West Coast became a supposed threat to people. Americans were afraid that Japan would invade the West Coast. The Japanese were better farmers than most Caucasians, because they were very hard workers. In 1907, the first of the Alien Land Laws was enacted. The laws prohibited the sale or lease of land to Japanese people. This law was in effect through 1966. Nine more bills were introduced in 1943 that â€Å"were designed to prohibit the ownership of property by alien Japanese and United States citizens of Japanese ancestry, to prohibit Japanese aliens from being guardians of property owned by the minor United States citizen children, and to provide for the sale at public auction or private sale of escheated property† (Chuman 200). T... ...inst, Kabuo Miyamoto was the first one investigated in the murder of Carl Heine. After some circumstantial evidence was found, the investigation was stopped, because everyone presumed Kabuo was guilty. By the end of the book, a news reporter finds the evidence that the sheriff didn’t look for. The judge dismisses the trial after hearing evidence about weather conditions and hair found on the boat. Kabuo was released from jail after seven months. Work Cited Chuman, Frank. The Bamboo People: The Law and Japanese-Americans. Del Mar, California: Publisher's Inc., 1976. Girdner, Audrie and Loftis, Anne. The Great Betrayal. London: The MacMillan Company, 1969. Hersey, John. Manazar. New York: Times Books, 1988. Sherwin, Elizabeth. Printed Matter -- David Guterson-- Page. 6/4/97. 4/11/01 .

Monday, August 19, 2019

Low Voter Turnout is NOT a Significant Problem in the United States Ess

Low Voter Turnout is NOT a Significant Problem in the United States The different strategies in political campaigning have led to lower voter turnout and less political participation by the general public according to Steven Schier in his book, "Payment Due: A Nation In Debt, A Generation In Trouble." Different public and private interest groups can link these downturns to the changing political strategies and the lobbying of the government. Political participation and lower voter turnout is something that we should not be concerned about and doesn’t pose a significant problem in the United States. The low level of political engagement that Schier says is going to be approximately 50% of the citizenry can be explained in many ways. One of the reasons for the low level is what Martin Wattenberg points as being the citizenry lacking party identification. People are tending to not identify with a party and therefore not vote solely for that party. Wattenberg claims that some saw the lack of party identification to have implication that seemed quite threatening for democracy (Wattenberg, 23-25). Keefe points out that â€Å"strong partisans are less numerous than in the past. Split-ticket voting is common everywhere. Most voters do not view parties in a favorable light (Keefe, 74).† With the lack of party identification has come the rise of parties of accommodation. Parties of accommodation have made it impossible for the number of citizens engaged in politics to remain as high as it once was. If the party does not stand for something than people aren’t a s interested in making a stand with the party. In the 2000 election there where 2 parties of accommodation running candidates of accommodation against each ot... ...y. The two major parties ensure that people with the same basic ideas and the same basic goal for the country, such the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, will remain in power. Schier’s concerns have basis to them, but in the end the United States political structure will continue to run. The presidents may become indistinguishable from each other but they will still have the same general goals and the same outlook. The average American citizen may not be interested in and may not participate in politics, but politics in general will remain the same. The elite will run the country and the average citizen will either voice their opinion by voting or ride the shirt tales of other voters. Politics may be exclusive, but the exclusive elite is chosen by the masses. Timothy J Penny, Steve Schier. Payment Due: A Nation In Debt, A Generation In Trouble

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Great Depression :: American History

The Great Depression was a time period in history spanning the 1930’s that was a dramatic, economic downturn, the worst in U.S. history. Its affect was felt not only in the United States but by people all over the world. This widespread economic condition is now used in reference as the example of the worst that the economy could ever get. It affected so many people from every economic class. It not only affected a company or a few number of people but it affected just about everyone. People’s personal income decreased dramatically, the profit people and companies made decreased, the governments tax revenue decreased as well, the price of things dropped because the value and worth of things dropped as well. Most of these events can be traced back to a number of things. The Great Depression was not a sudden collapse. It was destined to happen by the events that led up to it. Some of these significant events were: the crash of the stock market in 1929, the â€Å"Roar ing Twenties†, â€Å"Maldistribution† or the wide division created between the rich and the poor, the closing of banks, the loss of jobs for the American people, and the halt on international trade. One of the most significant of these happened October 29, 1929, known as Black Tuesday. Black Tuesday, a.k.a. â€Å"The Great Crash,† â€Å"Crash of ’29,† â€Å"Wall Street Crash of ’29,† and many more dreadful nicknames. Black Tuesday was the most destructive and the biggest stock market crash in the history of the United States. It was not a one day event however. There was Black Thursday, and Black Monday that led up to it. The primary crash occurred on Black Thursday. After the crash, the entire United States was filled with worried Americans. Fear and panic quickly spread to everyone. At the time, New York had grown largely and become very wealthy. It had over a half of million people, which made it a metropolis. Also, Wall Street had become the most successful place on Earth. It was one of the top financial centers with the New York Stock Exchange as the center of it. The New York Stock Exchange was the largest stock mar ket in the world. All of these things made it more susceptible to a crash or catastrophic event.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Kingfisher Airlines Essay

Background: Kingfisher airlines started out as a UB group subsidy, a USD 2 billion diversified conglomerate, which holds more than 60 companies under it which are associated with major industries. The United Breweries group owned the kingfisher airlines. Kingfisher airlines had then commenced its commercial operations in the year 2005 on the 9th of May. Operating with a fleet of four new Airbus A320-200’s, kingfisher airlines had its first travel from Mumbai to Delhi. Subsequently the airliner had even commenced its international maneuvers on the 3rd of September 2008, by interlinking Bangalore and London. However it faced a worsening economic scenario since 2008. The mighty airlines in the present day scenario is facing many bankruptcy problems, pushing the airline to ground many of its destinations and aircrafts. Introduction: It was the year 2006, when kingfisher airlines got listed in the stock exchange after it had been setup in the year 2003. The present day situation for KFA is that it has a staggering Rs.8200 Crore debt and the money to pay for fuel, salaries and airport fees etc. is running out. Due to this KFA has lost all its hopes and has pleaded the government to give them a total  bailout but according to market analysts, the actual flaws in KFA’s business plans and the functioning are due to the endless woes of it , which is the major root problem of the airline. So my research question for the current commentary would be â€Å"Will kingfisher airlines be able to recover from the present debt crisis using the current financial strategies?† Syllabus area covered: SWOT analysis Current Ratio Analysis GPM and NPM ratios – Analysis of the balance sheet Findings: When Deccan Aviation’s Captain G.R Gopinath was looking forward to selling off his airline, then is when Vijay Mallya who kept denying that he couldn’t even think of buying an airline whose business model is so different than that of his had suddenly put in his bid and apparently clinched the deal. It was an interesting deal because KFA had got the license to fly immediately and got immediate listing as soon as it purchased Deccan Aviation but it was not all good, along with the goodies they had even acquired the losses incurred by the airline. The promoter group of the airline that is the UB Group had an experienced set of officials to run its business which majorly includes Vijay Mallya himself. The Airliner’s second problem was that its chairman was acting like an absentee landlord and was concentrating on his other business. The third mistake that Kingfisher Airlines had made was that they could have first consolidated its domestic operations and then got into international flying as then the competition increases a lot and only those with enormous money resources survive. SWOT Analysis: Strengths Weaknesses Strong brand image Financial support from the promoter that is the UB group. First Indian carrier that started out with a whole new fleet of planes. Quality service and innovation Financial issues due to heavy debt borrowing The laying off of employees has caused a bad image. The maintenance costs were very high at ground and airline level. The company still has not met its breakeven. The ticket pricing was very high, not in the affordable range of the commoners unlike its competitors which are priced economically. Opportunities Threats Poor service of air India and problems of strikes in jet airways. Growth in air travel, the number of passengers has increased. Route Rationalization: cutting down business in unprofitable sectors and services to cities.1 Debt Recast: Kingfisher Airlines must ask the banks to reduce the interest rates of the loans and possibly find a local investor to invest some money in their business2. Low cost carriers obtaining the larger market share. Fuel costs also have increased subsequently. Economic slowdown Infrastructure constraints Banks will aver on severe security before giving in any more loans which they need for their operational costs. Some banks may even go up to the extent of calling in all their debt. The airline’s promoter funds will be tapped, which will put pressure on the finances of the UB group Current Ratio Analysis: It can be defined as the company’s ability to meet its short term maturing obligations. The current ratio is calculated using this formula: Current Assets/Current Liabilities. For the year 2012 (as of march 31st) = 16188.35/84428.04 = 0.19 (all values in million INR) For the year 2011 (as of march 31st) = 29738.26/55255.85 = 0.54 (all values in million INR)   3 4 It can be seen that the current ratio has decreased from the year 2011 to  2012 which indicates a threat to the company as the debt to assets has significantly increased and has not yet been repaid in the right model to improve and come out of the debt crisis. Following is a graph that shows the plotting based on the balance sheet3. We can see that the current ratio is less than 1:1 for both the years which indicates that the short term debts of the business are much greater than its liquid assets, which could spell disaster for its survival if creditors demand payment. Which is the case for kingfisher airlines as there crisis has been increasing and increasing as there are no sources for revenue that can be used to pay out even a part of the debt. If the company’s current ratio falls below 1, it implies that the company has a negative working capital, it is then required for the business to take a closer look at the business and there are no liquidity issues. If the ratio is drastically below 1 it implies that the company has inventories that can be converted into cash and this involves to be seriously concerned into the working which when neglected can lead to a financial crisis like in the case of Kingfisher Airlines. When observed in the financial values the income from operations has increased drastically from march 31st 2011 to march 31st 2012 which can be accounted to the loss in operations and trade. If we observe the employee costs also have been cut down on a large note due to the laying off of the employees and staff members. The aircraft lease rental has been subsidized as the fleet of Kingfisher airlines has decreased. If we compare the quarters between December 31st 2011 and march 31st 2012, we can see that the aircraft fuel expenses are more or less the same, which shows a loophole as to why is there still such high fuel expenses even though the operations and fleet have been reduced or more close to being closed. The losses between the same periods have almost increased more than double the times. Hence we see the net losses of the company to increase from (44.426.95) to (115,152.60) lacs which shows the growing debt crisis of Kingfisher Airlines. Price Movement and Performance Charts of Kingfisher Airlines Index Comparison and Ownership Pattern of Kingfisher Airlines Source: code=532747 From the above graphs, it can be clearly seen of what the past, present and future trend of Kingfisher Airlines is going to look like in the respective areas mentioned above. GPM (Gross profit margin) For the year 2011 -4.8% For the year 2012 38.2% It can be seen that the gross profit has been depreciating at an exponential rate which shows that there is absolutely no scope of business for kingfisher airlines, as its functioning and sales have gone down on a drastic rate, thus leading to its mounting losses. NPM (Net Profit Margin) For the year 2011 21.1% For the year 2012 382.01% When we calculate the net profit for the company we can observe the change in it from the year 2011 and 2012 there is difference of about 360% which shows the enormity of the debt that kingfisher airlines is heading towards. The company’s market share has also shrunk a lot due to the onboard crisis. Below is the pictorial representation of the difference in the market share of kingfisher airlines between the financial year 2011 and 2012. FOR THE YEAR 2011 FOR THE YEAR 2012 Analysis: It can be seen that Kingfisher Airlines has gone for public issue before it obtained Deccan Airlines so a part of the money might have been raised from /the money gained out of it. The UB group was the promoter of the company so it had the maximum stake in the Airlines but lately due to the debt crisis its stake is being diluted in order to issue them to other public who can invest money and might raise some capital for the business, doing so it is raising financial pressure on the UB Group. The Going concern status of kingfisher airlines has already been lost which might pose a threat for investors investing in the company which might lead to very bleak chances of survival. Problems: Fuel dues: Kingfisher Airlines had been a nonpayer of fuel bills which lead to many problems for the airliner. HPCL (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited) had abridged the supplies of fuel for the airliner in lieu of non-payment of overdue fuel bills. Delayed Salary: Kingfisher Airlines had not paid salaries to its employees from October 2011 to January 2012, which had caused employee dissatisfaction. It had also been noted that the tax cut from the employee’s income at the source was also defaulted while paying to the tax department. There was a delay in the aircraft lease rentals which has to be paid to GE Commercial Aviation Services, which later lead to repossession of four A320 aircrafts. Airport Authority of India had slammed notices on kingfisher for a due on bills which amounted to about 255.06 crore INR. This had happened because the airliner was working on a cash and carry basis with a daily expense of 0.8 crore INR. Kingfisher Airlines had even service tax arrears which invited the possibility of legal action against the airliner. Kingfisher Airlines was declared as a Non Performing Asset (NPA) by the banks that had lent money for the airliner to carry out its business. Later, KFA suffered more problems such as erosion of net worth, frozen bank accounts, much of its fleet being grounded and suspension of ticket sales by International Air Transport Association (IATA). Kingfisher Airlines share price from Sep-2010 to Sep-2011 Measures Taken: Revenue Inventiveness One world alliance membership would allow KFA to have incoming inland  passenger growth. Co-branded Credit Cards – Kingfisher Airlines had issues the King Club ICICI co-brand card as ICICI bank is one of its major lenders. Kingfisher Express: DTD (Door to Door) Cargo express services to capture the under penetrated air-cargo delivery service. Cost Reduction inventiveness Streamlining distribution channels. Renegotiating vendor agreements – airport and fuel discounts, operating leases at a discount. Control over discretionary spend – reduction in rentals, cost of transport, local conveyance and communication. Optimize space. Operational efficiency: saving on fuel consumption. Equity infusion Debt Re-schedulement Capitalization of its expenses which would lead to the increase in the net income, reduce the stockholder equity and total assets will upsurge for the same amount of expenses. Strategies for Kingfisher to come out from its Debt Crisis: Rescheduling and restructuring of loans- the unsecured loans must be converted into equity share capital then Kingfisher Airlines can avoid the finance cost of the unsecured portion but the promoter’s (UB Group) holding will drastically decrease and even the secured loans can be paid in almost the same manner. Thus the banks will have to increase the period of repayment and decrease the rate of interest on the loans which might help KFA’s operations and possibly the loans might be cleared. There must be efficient strategies to increase the turnover of the company which includes the change in pricing strategy and making it competitive to its co-airlines. Fuel subsidies from the government – KFA must convince the government to give them fuel subsidies by which they can run their airlines and then slowly repay back all its debts. FDI ( Foreign Direct Investment) – there is a larger chance of KFA getting merged with some international airline if the FDI limit is increased which will thus lead to the acquisition of Kingfisher Airlines by an international carrier but will be relieved of its debts and would not then effect the promoter group. Conclusion: The present condition of Kingfisher Airlines can be due to a series of reasons but ultimately it was a rise and all of a giant domestic carrier for India. There are very few chances for the company to bail out from its current situation. The hope of an international merger with Kingfisher might give a ray of hope to the survival of the airlines. If the current debt crisis is not put on hold and keeps increasing, there would be only one door open for Kingfisher Airlines that is to sell out everything to repay all its debts to banks and lenders thus leading to the ultimate collapse of Kingfisher Airlines.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Booker T. Washington and W.E.B DuBois Views

Booker T. Washington and W. E. B DuBois were both African Americans who devoted their time in the struggle for freedom of the blacks in America. Booker Taliaferro Washington was a well-educated man who was born in April 5th, 1856 and died on 14th November 1915. He was born from a slave family but later was freed from slavery when he was still a child. On the other hand, DuBois was born in 1865 on the 23rd of February in Massachusetts. His full names are William Edward Burghardt DuBois. He was a relentless African American activist who fought for rights of the blacks in America.The two activists differed in their approach to be used in achieving equality and freedom for the African Americans. This is what this essay will discuss about. I will also compare and contrast their views on leadership and the means of achieving progress. These two leaders had certain similarities for example both were against racism, segregation of blacks by the whites because of their color and agreed that d iscrimination had to be fought. However, the two differed when it came to the means to be used in achieving these objectives.DuBois often criticized the approach that Booker T. Washington was using. DuBois perception had been shaped by the experience he gained after spending some time with the liberal whites in the academy that he attended and thus he was able to think outside the box. Booker T. Washington believed that blacks would not achieve an equal status with the whites by resorting to open hostility but he believed that it was only through hard work that they would progress. (Hine D. C. and Harold, 2003; 45-97).He was convinced that the first step that was to be taken by the Blacks in order to prosper was to create a strong economic foundation for them. He devoted all his energies towards realization of this goal. He was convinced that the Whites were superior to Blacks simply because they were able to work hard and that if the Black Americans embraced the same, then they wou ld uplift their social status to be equal to that of the Whites. He strongly held the belief that no race in the whole world could survive without owning any property, having no skills, no economic foundation and the required intelligence.To him the only way of Blacks achieving this was through learning the industrial education. He took it upon himself to spread education in the rural areas. He showed the rural farmers how they could start small businesses on their farms to supplement what they had. Farmers were taught on the techniques to apply so that they could increase their harvest. Booker T. Washington never hated the whites and never thought of how the Blacks could revenge but instead he saw the two races as intertwined.Unlike DuBois who believed that the two races were supposed to be equal and that the blacks had to resort to overt resistance, Booker T. Washington argued the Blacks were supposed to humble themselves though that they would be recognized by the Whites. Much of criticism against him came as a result of the speech that he made in 1895 in the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlantic where he accepted the segregation of the Blacks by the Whites He became very popular amongst the whites because of how he praised them.In his speech he said that just like the Blacks had served the whites in the past, they would continue doing the same and even put their lives at stake if there was need in protecting the whites. In accepting segregation he said, â€Å"In all things that are purely social we can be as separate as the fingers, yet one as the hand in all things essential to the mutual progress. † (Cobb J. C. , 1994; 26-58) DuBois disagreed with booker T. Washington especially when he said that blacks above anything else should have a strong economic base.On the contrary, DuBois believed that what Blacks needed was liberal education and having a strong economy was not the solution. Still on education both differed, Booker T. nev er advocated for liberal education as Dubois and instead urged the Blacks to go for the industrial courses. Washington and DuBois also disagreed in the approach that was to be used in achieving freedom. DuBois believed that the educated blacks that he referred to as the â€Å"Talented Tenth† would help in bringing social change.He criticized Washington’s approach to unite the two races, which he deemed rather accommodative to the whites. He openly criticized Washington by referring him to as the first Uncle Tom. He may have been condemning Washington strongly because he had no knowledge of how bitter slavery was. DuBois was born in the North while Washington was born in the Southern America where slavery was well entrenched. (Elsa B. B. and Thomas C. H. , Eds. 2002; 82-135) DuBois unlike Washington strongly advocated overt confrontation if it was the only way that would end racism but Washington condemned this.DuBois was for the idea of using demonstrations, staging bo ycotts to the segregated places and even striking and demonstrating in streets but Washington was against this something that was attested during his Atlantic speech, â€Å"The wisest among my race understand that the agitation of questions of social equality is the extremist folly, and that progress in the enjoyment of all the privileges that will come to us must be as a result of severe and constant struggle rather than of artificial forcing.† (Elsa B. B. and Thomas C. H. , Eds. 2002; 82-135). However, Washington believed that the whites had no right to deprive African Americans of their franchise right. But he did not mean that the blacks should confront the whites directly instead they were supposed to acquire properties, establish their own industries, intelligence and have a strong economy. Though the two leaders differed in many things, they both believed that education was the only tool of empowering the African American.DuBois believed that the blacks would be freed from the shackles of racism if they pursued the liberal education. He constantly urged the brightest and well-educated African Americans to help their colleagues in fighting for their rights. To DuBois these ‘Talented tenth’ were those well-educated Blacks. He believed that before any thing else was done, the Blacks were supposed to have liberal education. At this point Washington also agreed with DuBois that education was the key to social change but he differed in the type of the education.He believed that Africa Americans needed industrial skills that would help them to benefit from the southern environment, which was suitable for farming also he believed that if blacks were taught on how to increase their productivity, then they would become economically stable. He even established his own school, Tuskegee where he taught the blacks on industrial courses, a move that was highly welcomed by the Whites. Though both leaders agreed that racism was the main set back to t he progress of the Blacks, they differed in the approach that was to be used.DuBois advocated for open confrontation of racism. He believed that lack of reacting to the racism is what had legitimized and strengthened this menace. On the other hand, Washington held that there was no need of holding demonstration, conducting strikes and attacking the whites but instead they were supposed to address their demons of laziness and criminality. They were also expected to be hardworking people, less promiscuous and stop complaining excessively.In confronting DuBois call for African American’s to agitate, he instead urged them to observe discipline. It is on this point that DuBois blamed Washington of excusing the Whites of the atrocities that they did to the African Americans and instead blamed all this on Blacks claiming that they were not trying hard like the Whites. Washington believed that it is for this reason that blacks were trailing behind the whites. They both believed that the status quo for blacks had to be uplifted to be like that of the whites. (Cobb J. C. , 1994; 26-58)In conclusion, we can say that though the two leaders differed in their views especially in the approach to be employed they also had some things in common. They both believed that racism was a monster that had to be fought and they both believed that African Americans had to be educated so as to be able to face the ugly face of racism. Though they differed in the type of education, they also differed in the means of achieving freedom. For example when DuBois wanted overt confrontation the other one wanted gradual approach of economically empowerment of the Blacks.They both played a significant role in the struggle for the emancipation of the black Americans for ach had a unique thing that they contributed. Reference: Hine D. C. and Harold, 2003. Africa American Odyssey Volume II Since 1863. Prentice Hall. Elsa B. B. and Thomas C. H. , Eds. 2002. Major Problems in Africa American Hi story. Vol. 2. Houghton Mifflin. Cobb J. C. , 1994; The Most Southern Place on Earth: The Mississippi Data and The Roots of Regional Identity. Oxford University Press, New York.